Sunday, August 24, 2014

Update QGIS from 2.2.0-8 to 2.4.0-1

Updating QGIS on Mac OSX 10.9.4

To update my QGIS need to download 2 packages

I deleted the old QGIS from the application  directory.

I investigated updating GDAL to GDAL 1.11 using anaconda, but

 the following combinations of packages create a conflict with the
remaining packages:
  - python 2.7*
  - gdal 1.11*

So I installed GDAL 1.11 using

Then installed QGIS 2.4.0

Friday, August 15, 2014

Days since 0001-01-01

Viewing output from CSIRO ACCESS 1.3 CMIP5 run,  I saw the time units were 'days since 0001-01-01' the coder in me had heart palpitations.

The joys of Julian Calendars, leap years,  does anyone know how many days between now and then.

Looking at a ACCESS Port Processing script

refdate are 1 (0001-01-01) and 719 163 (1970-01-01)

As I am currently just mucking around, I am just glad that someone knows how many days has passed since January 1, Year 1.

Now I can transform to my frame of reference more readily.